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(3 edits)

Where can I report bugs/dialogue corrections?
'Cuz I found one

Edit: I found more apparently.


So, harem?


cant wait for new update very good gam


Will there be a version for mobile?


Not directly, but most html games can be played via an app called joiplay.


This game is actually interesting. I played it the first time a few weeks ago.


really enjoyed the game so far


Bug report: 1. In Akane's sex scene, there is no button to push after the climax. 2. when you look at the stats for Akane, her sex stats will only show 4 for times having sex, and creampies.  

(1 edit) (+1)

Fixed, thank you.

Will try to release a fix html for this bug and anything else reported sometime this week. (Given life cooperates.)

bug report: sometime around the start of may/very end of april of the first year, the time function breaks and displays the following message 

Error: <<timebracket>>: error within widget contents (Error: <<print>>: bad evaluation: clock is not defined)

Thank you for the report. Do you happen to have any  more info  on what you were doing at the time?  Haven't been able to replicate this yet.